Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's a boy!!

We had our ultrasound today and found out we're having a boy!  He is perfect and growing into a big boy (I can't imagine where he gets that from)!!  He was a little larger than what they would have expected for 19 weeks, but we're sticking to May 28th as the due date.

Now, we just have to pick a boy's name!!  Right now, the front runner is Cace Patrick.

And here's a picture of Mom's pooch (also her new nickname) at 19 weeks!!

Baby's first Christmas presents!!

A piggy bank from T Pa and T Ma!! It even came with a few coins inside!!


An ugly tu outfit from my Uncle Tony!! I'll be sure and wear this when I'm sick so I don't mess up anything important.... except that the sight of it might make me more sick!