Some things about Cace at the 2 month mark....
- He loves to be outside and look at the trees. As soon as he gets out, he'll lean back as far as you'll let him to see them and it's almost impossible to get him to face forward again. If he starts to get a little fussy, I can take him outside and he'll immediately stop.
- He loves to look in mirrors and can entertain himself for a good 30 minutes or so if he has one to look at.
- I love his little smile. When he smiles, there is something that he does with his eyes that makes him a spitting image of Michael.
- He is still moving his arms and legs around like crazy. It's funny because he didn't kick a lot during the pregnancy and he didn't move around much for the 1st week or so. But ever since then, he's pretty much constantly moving unless he's sleepy.
- When he's getting upset, he'll stick his bottom lip out and make a pouty face. It is so sad and funny at the same time. I really need to try and get a picture of it!!
- When he sneezes, he makes a "Aaaah" sound afterwards that cracks Michael and I up every time.
- He can't fit into much of his 0-3 month clothes anymore. We've pretty much moved on to the 3-6 month..... except for his shorts which he still can't fit into the 0-3 month very well.
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Cace and I on July 22nd |
Also, here's a picture with his Great Aunt Merlene from Indiana. She was in Houston a few weekends back and we met her in Roseburg for dinner.
I still can't believe how the time has flown by. I started back to work a couple of weeks ago and Cace had to go the babysitter. He did great and got raves about how great of a baby he is!!
On the first day, I had to go to Houston, so Michael's mom took him and picked him up. I didn't have that hard of a time the first day, since I just left him in the morning with his MoMo (who he had stayed with before) and I had a lot going on that day. The second day was definitely harder. I had to go drop him off myself and I was just down the road and knew that if I really wanted to go get him I could. I ended up picking him up at around 4:00 and working a little bit longer with him there. I didn't get anything done though, so it was a lesson learned that I need to leave him there until I'm ready to give him my full attention.
He is growing and growing.... He was 13 pounds a couple of weeks ago at his doctor's appointment, but he has grown a lot since then and I wouldn't be surprised if he's at the 14-15 pound mark now. It seems like every day he is wanting more and more to eat. Last week he was taking 5 ounce bottles... now we're up to around 7 ounces. Because of this, I had to throw in the towel on breastfeeding and switch him to formula. It was too hard to keep up with him pumping during the day. I had started supplementing his last bottle at night with formula when I started back to work so that I could pump and make up the difference between what he was eating during the day and what I was able to pump, but with his increased appetite I was falling farther and farther behind. So, it came down to either switching to formula or being stressed out about it all of the time. So far, we haven't had any problems and I am very happy with the switch. He is not a picky eater by any means and doesn't care what it is or how it comes, as long as he gets to eat!!
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Wearing the fishing shirt that my T-Ma made for me!! |
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