Monday, September 12, 2011

Cast and Blast 2011

This weekend we took Cace on his first overnight trip.  We went to Luling for TPIC's Cast and Blast Weekend down at their park on the San Marcos river.  We stayed in Seguin and drove over for all of the festivities.

My parents had a great time showing him off to everyone.  It was funny to hear other people besides them call him "Tuff", since they've all heard all about him.

My mom made him another fishing shirt for the occasion with the TPIC and Cast and Blast logos embroidered on.  He also got to be Jr. Commander for the weekend (my Dad was commander)!!
Pictures of the boys...

 Friday night, they had Ponty Bone come out and play.  We've seen him before at Gruene Hall and Michael loves him.  I was putting Cace down to sleep so I missed a lot of it, but got some pictures when he was setting up and had first started.  Cace started crying as soon as the music started... not sure if it was a coincidence since he was getting tired or he didn't like it.

Michael and my dad with Ponty Bone and RC Banks, a blues musician

Lessons learned for the week....

- here's one for Tony... never wear hats (see above).  He actually already knew this and put it on just for laughs.  There's something about it that just doesn't seem right.

- if Cace is already asleep for the night, don't try and move him.  We put him to sleep in my parent's camper while Ponty Bone was playing Friday night.  Tony was staying with them too, so there really wasn't any room for him to stay there.  We should have figured something out because he woke up once we got to the hotel and was wide awake for another hour and a half.

- don't let Rocco see us take our bags to the car.  He always used to get excited when he would see us packing our bags when we lived in Tomball, because most of the time it meant he was going to get to come too.  Now that we live down here, he can stay at home and Michael's parents can take care of him while we're gone.  He got all excited when we were leaving and tried to get into the truck.  He finally squeezed his way into the front and refused to get out.  Michael had to open up the door to my car to trick him into thinking that we were going in my car to get him out.  Poor thing!!

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